General Information :
IP Address : | Checking... |
City : | Checking... |
Zip Code : | Checking... |
Region : | Checking... |
Region Code : | Checking... |
Country : | Checking... |
Current Date/time : | Checking... |
Battery : | Checking... |
As : | Checking... |
Additional Information :
Browser :Checking...
Browser Version :Checking...
Languages :Checking...
OS :Checking...
CPU cores :Checking...
GPU :Checking...
Screen orientation :
Screen size : x
Window size : x
Mouse position :X - 0, Y - 0
Screen Color Depth :Checking...
fps :Checking...
First visit :
Last visit :
Location not accurate?Update My IP Location It's no secret that sites want to know as much as possible about their visitors, whether it's to show them targeted ads or improve their user experience. The goal of this project is to give you an idea about types of information that websites can collect and access from you. No matter what the privacy settings of your browser are, certain information about you is inevitably revealed to the sites you visit. For example, you start sharing your IP address as soon as you go online, which can be used to pinpoint your approximate location. note that the information you see above is used to generate your fingerprint, This information is used by websites to build a profile of you, which can then be used to target you with ads or to personalize your experience on the site.